Author archives

IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence

Team from MSO Lab has 3 papers accepted at IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI). We also participated WCCI2018 Competition on Evolutionary Multi-task Optimization and won the first prize on Multi-task single-objective (MTSOO), won the third prize on Multi-task multi-objective optimization (MTMOO).

Seminar “The cocktail party effect: An old problem begging for a new solution”

Thời gian: 14.00 ngày 29/3/2018 Địa điểm: phòng seminar tầng 9 (MICA) Người trình bày: Prof. Pierre Divenyi, Stanford University Title: The cocktail party effect: An old problem begging for a new solution Abstract: Listening to speech of a target speaker embedded in the noise constituted by speech of other speakers was termed “cocktail party effect” (CPE) by …

Seminar: “Ergonomic Aspects of Autonomous Driving”

Ergonomic Aspects of Autonomous Driving Studying Human Behavior in Urban Traffic Using Linked Driving Simulation Thời gian: 14.30 ngày thứ 2, 26/3/2018 Địa điểm: phòng 803, nhà B1, Đại học  Bách khoa Hà Nội Người trình bày: Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler (Technical University of Munich) Abstract: The talk will present current projects related to ergonomic …

Seminar “Data Analytics”

Thời gian: 14.30 ngày thứ 2, 30/10/2017 Địa điểm: phòng 803, nhà B1, Đại học Bách khoa Người trình bày: Kasturi Dewi Varathan, University of Malaya, Malaysia Tiêu đề: Data Analytics Abstract: The huge amount of data that are available has lead many individuals as well organizations to seek for a way in helping them …